March – April Newsletter

Stephen Yeo

March – April

The latest issue of our Newsletter is filled with news:

  • Information about upcoming events, including in May our annual outing, this year to Pitzhanger Manor and Gallery; and a celebration of the 80th anniversary of VE day at Stephens House and Gardens. In June, the Antiques Roadshow visits Stephens House.
  • A report from our Planning Committee on their recent activities
  • A planning application has been submitted for the comprehensive redevelopment of the Great North Leisure Park, involving up to 1502 residential dwellings in 20 new buildings – up to 25 storeys in height
  • The Charities Commission has launched a statutory inquiry into College Farm Trust and has appointed Interim Managers for the TrustThe links between America and Hawthorn Dene, the Grade II listed building, built in 1825 by James Frost, who later emigrated to the United States

If you are a member of the Finchley Society you should receive your newsletter by email or in the post. If you are not a member of the Society, you can join here.