October meeting

Stephen Yeo

The Soane Museum
Jonty Stern
The Jean Scott Memorial Lecture
7.30 pm Thursday
October 24
at Avenue House

Jonty Stern’s talk will allow us to discover something about the extraordinary house of Sir John Soane. One of the greatest English architects, Soane built and lived in the house in Holborn two centuries ago. Now a museum, the house has been kept as it was at the time of Soanes’ death in 1837, and displays his vast collection of antiquities, furniture, sculptures, architectural models and paintings. Jonty will begin by recounting the highlights of Sir John’s life, followed by a description of some of the most important antiquities in the Museum’s collection, including the sarcophagus of Egypt’s King Seti I. Jonty will also discuss Sir John’s relationship with the artists of his time and the Museum’s collection of pictures, most notably Hogarth’s ‘A Rake’s Progress’.

Jonty is a Finchley Society member and guide at the Soane Museum.

The meeting will take place at Avenue House, located at Stephens House and Gardens, 17 East End Road, Finchley N3 3QE. It will begin at 7.30 pm.

Note: You will find an internet calendar (ics) file here. You can use this file to add the October 24 meeting to your online calendar.